Every Business is Hard.

“Looks easy doesn’t it?”

Perhaps that’s the illusion from the outside. 

But every business owner knows the truth: behind the seamless facade of day-to-day operations lies a battleground of challenges and decisions. 

Every day of running a business means constantly solving puzzles, navigating hurdles, and making decisions that could pivot your company’s future. Although some businesses make more money than others, there is no “easy” business.

I wake up every day wondering about the same issues.

  • Do we have enough money in the bank to cover daily expenses? Am I going to make payroll this month? What is the best way to invest to improve our products?
  • How can I secure the necessary funds to start and expand my business? Should I consider loans, investors, or other funding options? What are the best financing strategies to ensure sustainable growth?
  • How can I develop effective strategies to attract and retain customers? Are my marketing efforts keeping us competitive in the market? What changes can I make to improve our sales?
  • How do I find and hire skilled employees? How do I retain those people? How can I create a work environment that attracts the best candidates?
  • Am I fully aware of all the local, state, and federal regulations that apply to my business? How can I ensure we navigate and adhere to these regulations effectively?
  • How can I keep up with the latest technological changes? Can these changes improve our operations? Are we meeting our customers’ expectations with our current tech capabilities?
  • How can I continuously improve our products and services? Are we meeting and exceeding customer needs and expectations? What feedback mechanisms should I implement to gauge customer satisfaction?
  • What potential risks could negatively impact my business? What is around the corner that I am not considering?
  • Are there areas in our operations that need improvement?
  • How can I stay ahead of our competitors in the market? What innovations can I introduce to keep us competitive?

When my business only had a couple of clients, I had these questions every day. 

With hundreds, I have the same questions. Every day. 

The only thing that has changed is the scale of the problems – and the sophistication of their solutions – has grown. 

But it doesn’t matter what kind of business you own. 

It could be a hair salon, manufacturing firm, clothing store, law firm, Amazon store, SaaS business, construction business, airline, landfill, or local coffee shop. 

Whatever the business is, it is hard.

Getting the answers to these questions right matters. 

It’s the difference between putting food on the table for your family – or perhaps your employees’ families. 

It’s the difference between thriving and merely surviving, between growth and stagnation. The weight of these decisions can be immense, often feeling like the entire world rests on your shoulders. 

Yet, this pressure also drives innovation, resilience, and a relentless pursuit of excellence.

I speak regularly with hundreds of business owners of all sizes – some businesses that make $1,000 per month and are content, and others who make $100,000,000. We all sit and face the same issues day in and day out.

“When the going gets tough, the tough get going.”