At times the simplest of meals, those constructed with the freshest of ingredients cooked to perfection, are the most memorable. The types of meals that are just cooking, no fanfare, no artistry or wizardry in the kitchen. The type of meal my mother could make if she were from Rome and owned a garden. The kind of meal that not only could I eat everyday, but would possibly be the happiest person on earth if I did.
The three components of my meal were simple.
Bruschetta, with perhaps the finest tomatoes know to humans
Chicken under a brick
Chocolate cake
But my…I would eat this meal over any Michelin-starred meal any day.
It has risen to #4 on my last meals of my life, if I could have said choice. (#1 Chick Fil A Chicken Sandwich, #2 Wendy’s Spicy Chicken Sandwich, #3 Mom’s cooking)